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Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Cara Membuat Komputer Kita bebicara!!!

Pasti diantara kalian ada yang bingung kok komputer bisa bicara??? Iya memang bisa... kali ini Saya akan mengajarkan gimana sih caranya komputer bisa bicara???Ga usah banyak cing-cong langsung aja yuk kita praktekan....

  1. Pertama, buka notepad.
  2. Copy-Paste script berikut :
    1. Dim msg, sapi msg = InputBox ( "Apa yang Anda ingin saya katakan?", "Masukan kata-kata") for i=0 to 3
      Set sapi = CreateObject ( "sapi.spvoice") sapi.Speak msg
Save as, kemudian Save as type pilih all files lalu kasih nama mypc.vbs.
sebenernya sih namanya terserah apa aja...tapi saya menamakannya mypc.vbs

Atau kalau yang nggak mau menggunakan InputBox (Jadi pas di klik 2x langsung berbicara tanpa perlu memasukan kata-kata). Scriptnya seperti ini :

Dim msg, sapi
msg = "Ganti dengan kata-kata anda"
for i=0 to 3
Set sapi = CreateObject ( "sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

msg= isi dengan kata2 yang ingin diucapkan jangan lupa tanda petiknya seperti contoh script di atas
for= mengulang kata2 tersebut sebanyak keinginnan kalian klo script diatas mengulang sebanyak 3x kalo ingin    100x to nya diganti jadi 100

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Minggu, 13 November 2011

Bukittinggi City

This is my first entry. :D and this entry is about Bukittinggi,the City that located in West Sumatra.
First,i will tell you about the History of Bukittinggi City

Town of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra is a city of history, the birthplace of three great heroes of Indonesia, and also the city with a charming tourist exoticism. Bukittingggi has all the criteria to become a tourist target for the visitors.
Bukittinggi is one of the city has recognized the role and influence in the history of Indonesia. Writing the history of this city has been attempted by various researchers who discussed the socio-economic activities, politics. As part Darek areas in West Sumatra, the city began to have more value and preferred since the Dutch began to actively suppress the wake of future Padri Padri War 1821-1837. And in 1888, the Netherlands seeking expansion of this city, which reached 75% of the area Kanagarian Kurai Jorong Limo.
Bukittinggi in the state administration since Dutch colonial times, Japanese colonial era and the era of independence with its variations remains the central government a portion of Central Sumatra and Sumatra as a whole, even Bukittinggi once served as the Central Government of the Republic of Indonesia setela Yogyajarta occupied Netherlands from December 1948 to the month in June 1949.
As a former Dutch government, Dutch Bukittinggi is always enhanced by his role in state administration, from what dinamakanGemetelyk Resort based Stbl 1828. The Netherlands has set up a defensive stronghold in 1825, which until now blockhouse is still known as Fort "Fort De Kock". The city has been used also by the Dutch as a resting place officers in the colonies in the east of this.
By the Japanese government, serve as the center of Bukittinggi military government control for the region of Sumatra, even down to Singapore and Thailand as a resident commander here Milioter to 25. At this time of Taddsgemente Bukittinggi renamed Fort de Kock became Bukittinggi The Yaku Sho, whose land was broadened to include Nagari-Nagari Sianok, Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Tower, Stone Hill Batabuah Taba and now all of them now in Agam regency, in The city is also the Government of Japan set up reinforcements tebtara largest radio transmitter to the island of Sumatra in order to raise the spirit of the people to support the interests of the Greater East Asia peramg Japanese version.
At the time of the struggle for Independence of the Republic of Indonesia Bukitinggi role as the city struggles. From December 1948 until June 1949 was appointed as the Mother City Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) after Yogyakarta fell into Dutch hands.
Furthermore, once the capital city of Bukittinggi Sumatra Province with Mr. governors. Tengku Muhammad Hasan. Later in the regulations in Lieu of Law No.. 4 in 1959, United Kingdom established as the capital city of Central Sumatra-residency that includes residencies, West Sumatra, Jambi and Riau are now each residency has become its own provinces.
Having developed the prefecture of West Sumatra province of West Sumatra, Bukittinggi is designated as the capital of his province,. since 1958 the de facto capital of Province have moved to a deyuire Padangnamun Bukittinggi in 1978 then no longer be the capital of West Sumatra province, with the release of Government Regulation no. 29 in 1979 to move the capital of West Sumatra province to Padang.
Right now the status of municipalities Bukittinggi Regional Level II in accordance with law No.. 5 year 1974 concerning Regional Government which has been perfected by Law NO. 22/99menjadi of Bukittinggi.
In summary the development of Bukittinggi can be seen as follows:A. In the period of Dutch colonizationOriginally sebagaiGeemente Fort De Kock and then became Staadgemente Fort De Kock, as stipulated in No. Staadblad. 358 in 1938 the total area equal to the area of ​​Bukittinggi now.
B. During the Period of Japanese OccupationAt this time the United Kingdom named Shi Sho Yaku a wider area than the City Bukittingggi now coupled with Nagari-Nagari Sianok, Gadit, Ampang Tower, Taba and Bukit Batu Batabuah.
C. During the Period of Independence Until Now

1. In the early days of the proclamation, an area of ​​Bukittinggi same as now with the first Waliktanya namely Barmawi Sutan Rajo Ameh.
2. With the provisions of Bukittinggi Sumatra Province Governor No. 391 dated June 9, 1947 concerning the establishment of Bukittinggi as the City has the right to govern themselves.
3. Big City as set Bukittinggi Law no. 9 in 1956 on the establishment of the Autonomous City of Bukittinggi in the environment of Central Sumatra Province jo Basic Law on Local Government No. 22 tahun1960.
4. Township Bukittinggi, as regulated in Law No. Local Government. 1 in 1957 jo.Pen. Prs. No. 6 in 1959 jo. Pen. prs. No. 5 in 1960.
5. Municipality where Bukittinggi as stipulated in Law no. 5 of 1974 on the Principles of Local Government.
The leadership of Local Government, either as officials senentara (Acting) or as an officer (Pj), as well as the Mayor of Choice (KDH) can be is assigned as follows:1. Barmawi Sutan Rajo Ameh2. Iskandar Teja Kusuma3. Ensure Dt. Bagindo4. Aziz Karim5. Enin Karim6. Saadudin Jambek7. Nauman Jamil Dt. Mangkuto Ameh8. MB. Dt. Yellow tongue Majo Nan9. Latif Syahbuddin Dt. Sibungsu10. Dr. S. Rivai11. Bahar Kamil Angry Sutan12. Anwar Maksum Angry Sutan13. M. Asril, SH14. A. Kamal, SH15. Drs. Masri16. Drs. Oemar Gaffar17. Drs. B. Barhanudin18. Drs. Hasan Basri (PLT. Mayor)19. Agus Armedi20. Drs. Rusdi Lubis (PLT Mayor)21. Drs. H. Djufri22. Drs. H. Oktisir Sjovijerli Osir (PLT. Mayor)23. Drs. H. Djufri 
23. Drs. Ismet Amziz (Until now) 

Then i will tell you about The Beauty of the Bukittinggi City

Jam Gadang


building that towers majestically towering, distinctive Minangkabau roof, situated in the center of Bukittinggi. Clock Tower is a landmark and symbol ofthe town of Bukittinggi, built on a hill called the Mount Enclosure Buffalo at the time ofthe Dutch Government in 1827 by Contraleur (City Secretary) Rook Maker.

From the top of the tower we can enjoy and see how beautiful nature around the town of Bukittinggi is decorated Mount Merapi, Mount Singgalang, Mount Sago andSianok canyon. In addition, the Clock Tower is also useful as a guide for communitiesto know the time. It is unique in the Clock Tower is the number 4 written IIII.

Benteng De Kock

De Kock fortress
This fort was built in pincak in the town of Bukittinggi in 1825 at the time of theuprising led by the Tuanku Imam Bonjol and Nan Salapan Tigers against the Dutch.Around the fort is still able to take a look at an ancient cannon of the nineteenth century AD period. This spacious place has been decorated with a garden as a place to watch altitude, Sianok canyon and surrounding hills are ancient cannons andfort building. This is the best place in London watching the Sunset.

Istana Bung Hatta

The building is located in the town of Bukittinggi is the first emergency rule is central to the Republic of Indonesia in 1947. This is caused by the aggression of the Dutchwant to divide our nation. To commemorate the services of Bung Hatta, the buildingwas renamed Tri Arga with Bung Hatta Palace.

The tunnel is 1,400 meters in length over the winding is made by Japanese soldiers during the period of 1942, is located in the middle of the park in the Gorge Sianok panorama below the town of Bukittinggi, with a width of over 2 meters. Inside thecave there are different needs for office space, hospitals, food and weapons. The entrance to the cave there are some places, like in the canyon Sianok, in Panorama,in addition to Bung Hatta Palace and Zoo in Bukittinggi. The local people called this is a Japanese hole.

Ngarai Sianok

Sianok canyon located in the center town of Bukittinggi, stretching from the SouthTower Nagari Koto continue to the North, Nagari Sianok Six Tribes and ends at Palupuh with a length of 15 km, the depth of 100 meters and 200 meters wide. Quiet Sianok canyon or valley is a beautiful valley, green and lush, didasarnya flows a tributary winding crevices browse the colorful cliffs with a backdrop of Mount Merapiand the verdant Singgalang is a fascinating nature. The uniqueness is easily accessible canyon, a canyon in the center of town that does not exist in other cities in the world. The natural beauty of the enchanting canyon Sianok always perpetuated by tourists to take photographs as well as for the painter's imagination. Surf trip throughthe canyon trail in the valley is an attractive recreation, when the journey continues Gorges other side within 45 minutes you will arrive at Nagari Nagari Koto Gadang asthe origin of some of the leaders of Indonesia, among others: H. Agus Salim andSalim.

Friends,i think thats all i've got. i'm sorry if i didn't give complete information. because i'm a newbie blogger.. hehehe :D
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